Hi! We're the Woodalls

It's March 2018 here in Logan Utah. Taylor and I are students at Utah State University living in a cute gray house. The snow has roofed everything white, and it is BEAUTIFUL. Taylor and I will go snow shoeing tomorrow at Toney Grove up Logan Canyon.
I wanted to share a little bit about Taylor and I so you have a background of where we are coming from. Lets start with Taylor.
Taylor is tall, blond and handsome! First time I saw him with his hair freshly cut, beard trimmed, and in his work out clothes, I thought to myself "now there is a man". Not to mention his, make your ankles weak, deep country accent and southern hospitality... I was a goner from the start. I literally felt my stomach flip upside down and jaw drop like an anchor dropped it to the floor when he mimicked the words form the movie "Sweet Home Alabama" - "Why you wanna marry me anyhow?... So I can kiss you any time I want". Ya... I died. I was his. Taylor had just moved to Utah after serving 5 years in the Air Force at Fort Brag in North Carolina. He had been deployed twice to Qatar and Kuwait. Taylor loves his country and was so excited to serve in the military he didn't even walk for graduation because he was already at BMT.

He would divide time off to see his Mom and sister in Missouri and his Dad and Step - mom in Florida. He was raised like any wife would hope their husband could be raised, by amazing parents, loving grandparents, kind aunts and uncles, and a sister who loves him dearly.

Taylor had always been religious, but when he moved to Utah, decided to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which just so happens to be my same religion. God is most important to us. Nothing could take us from him and our faith in him, although not perfect, is sure in the knowledge that he is our Father, and we are his children. He loves us and we love him.
Next to Me and God, Taylor has another love of his life... Maverick his wing man dog:) Yes he was named after Top Gun. He is our German Shepherd baby who loves his ball, people, but not so much other puppies.  Taylor's hobbies are being active, playing pickle-ball, rock-climbing, hiking, camping, drawing (yes he's an amazing artist), cooking goop, snowboarding, parkour, painting Christmas cottages, and flying. He is the husband I couldn't even dream about because he is more than I could have hoped for.
Me. I'm easy. Born and raised in Utah and boy, DO I LOVE MY MOUNTAINS! Besides my in-laws, I believe I was born to the most amazing parents anyone could ask for. Not to mention I pretty much don't have siblings... I have friends that I happen to be blood related to. haha. Im the oldest of 4.  My sister Diondra is an amazing Mother of 2 with a husband I love like a brother! Hunter, my brother, is a Marine and student with an amazing wife I consider a sister/ friend, and Samantha, she's my baby standing as a drop dead gorgeous 17year old. Here is a picture of my family. Don't blame me if you feel bad they're not yours.

Personally, I like hiking, camping, rock-climbing, sports, cheerleading, coaching, teaching, reading, writing, snowshoeing, canyoneering, shopping, water skiing, snow skiing, decorating, missionary work for my church, cooking, serving local refugees, and eating.

Together, Taylor and I like to watch movies, make food and eat food, coach, work out, hike, camp, rock-climb, play with our niece and nephew, pickle-ball, walk Maverick, go on walks, adventure driving, and teaching running and gymnastics to our local refugees who we love!

Now were are here, I'm finishing my last year at the university, preparing to be a teacher at Green Canyon High School and Taylor is full throttle in the aviation program at USU. We love life. Love each other, and love God. Hope you enjoy our story.


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