"So What Is It Like?"
Let's talk about what it is like at home as a pilot's wife... rant post - Two things I have been shocked about hearing when people find out or I tell them I am pilot's wife. First - the amount of people who assume "home life is hard" (word for word what someone told me about my life after knowing me for 30 seconds). Second - The amount of to-be-pilots who have asked me advice I could give their spouse or partner because they are afraid of what their career will do to their home life. You know those cancer patients who get annoyed with people who treat them different because they have cancer? Or, you know those who have a physical handicap that get annoyed and want to be treated the same as others? I have always resinated with those people and felt like I could understand them. It would be derisive to correlate being a pilots wife with cancer or having a physical handicap. However, I have found that I am starting to get impatient with the assumptions people hav...
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