The Best Day Of My Life

As I have been preparing for my baby boy, who is scheduled to be here in T-minus 14 days (at least... that is if he WANTS to come), not like I'm counting or anything haha, I have been thinking about the best days of my life. Of course, my wedding day has been by far the best day of my life - not only did I get to marry Taylor, who I was deeply in love with, but I was able to be surrounded by family and friends, at my favorite place during one of the most beautiful times of the year. All in all, it was perfect. I keep thinking about all of the planning, preparing, and developing that took place to make that day what it was. Just like my wedding day planning, I have been planning and preparing for baby Eli to come. However, as much I was able to prepare and plan for my wedding day, having a baby can be as much prepared for as I would like, but it does not mean that it will go according to plan. Thankfully I have Taylor by my side so that no matter what does happen, I will have h...