The Best Day Of My Life

As I have been preparing for my baby boy, who is scheduled to be here in T-minus 14 days (at least... that is if he WANTS to come), not like I'm counting or anything haha, I have been thinking about the best days of my life. Of course, my wedding day has been by far the best day of my life - not only did I get to marry Taylor, who I was deeply in love with, but I was able to be surrounded by family and friends, at my favorite place during one of the most beautiful times of the year. All in all, it was perfect. I keep thinking about all of the planning, preparing, and developing that took place to make that day what it was. Just like my wedding day planning, I have been planning and preparing for baby Eli to come. However, as much I was able to prepare and plan for my wedding day, having a baby can be as much prepared for as I would like, but it does not mean that it will go according to plan. Thankfully I have Taylor by my side so that no matter what does happen, I will have him. I have been going over in my head, again and again what could happen. It seems completely unknown and there are many things that could happen however I keep pulling myself back to the thought, image, and feeling of holding my baby boy for the first time. No matter what or when things happen, I just want Eli in my arms. The best day of my life so far has been marrying Taylor and being sealed to him the the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I know that holding Eli for the first time will also become on of the best days of my life. These days are very different - one was clean and I look amazing and the other will be a bit messy and I'll just be happy to have my hair out of my face. One day was all about Taylor and I and the other will be about Taylor and I with Eli. One thing I keep thanking God for is that I keep having days that are becoming "the best days ever". Baby boy Eli, your dad and I are so excited to have you here. I love you more than you'll ever know.


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