From Coach to Captain

When Taylor and I first met, it was actually out on the softball field, preparing to play a game for our Skills PE class at Utah State University. We were both enrolled in the Kinesiology (The study of body movement) degree with an emphasis in teaching. It was Taylors first semester ever in collage, since leaving the military and it was my millionth semester. We both desired to be teachers, but Taylors drive to teaching was to be a football coach. And not just any football coach, he wanted to be Coach Taylor - Just like the Coach Taylor in "Friday Night Lights". Taylor expressed to me that it was through that movie that he saw his future of being a high school football coach. I also desired to be a coach, but instead of coaching boys to throw balls, I wanted to teach girls and boys how to throw girls (Cheerleading). However... It wasn't long into the program of Kinesiology and teaching that Taylor realized he wasn't so into the whole idea of teaching as he was wit...